…because okra’s actually really good!  :)  Something I really look forward to and don’t get to have all that often.  I first learned to like it deep-fried at Indian restaurants, but it’s seriously easy to make deliciously and much more healthily at home.

Ok I’ve never tried it this way, but the original caption says that okra coke is a delicacy in North Carolina?!  Sarcasm??
From Creative Commons, original here.

Okra is high in fiber, Vitamin C, folate, anti-oxidants, calcium, potassium…. it even has a few grams of protein per serving.  It’s often used in gumbo, and is a favorite vegetable of the South, but I think the rest of the country is missing out!  I don’t have lots to say about it, but I felt like it shouldn’t be missed on my tour of ingredients you might know about or know are really worth paying attention to.  :)  Okra gets a bad rap for being slimy, but really, that’s totally avoidable when prepared well.  So – on to the recipe!  :)


This is so easy I feel silly even calling it a recipe.  But it’s SO easy and simple and delicious that I feel I must put it out there so more people will be able to appreciate the deliciousness.  :) 

Roasted Okra


Olive oil

salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 425.  Toss okra with a little olive oil, salt and pepper.  Place in baking dish or on ungreased cookie sheet, and bake for ~10-15 minutes – until soft all the way through.  Enjoy!!  The end.



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