Thankful for… pumpkin ice cream pie

As promised, pumpkin ice cream pie is on today’s menu!  We never had pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving growing up, because we always had this instead (or my grandmother’s pecan pie… YUM).  Not much to introduce this one… I promise it speaks for...

M is for miso

Like all our plant foods, and particularly fermented ones, miso has numerous vitamins and minerals (and protein!) and many health benefits, but that’s not why I want to talk about it (today :) ).  For now I just want to talk about it because it’s...

K is for KALE!!

I woke up so excited to write this morning’s post, because I get to write about KALE! My favoritest.  :)  Ok, it may not actually be my favorite food, but as anyone who has been reading for a little while knows, I absolutely love it. And for good reason.  Kale...

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