T is for tempeh

Next in our alphabet series… tempeh!  One of what I think of as the 3 basic vegan meats (tofu, tempeh, and seitan, which I wrote about last time), there’s no question it’s my favorite of the 3.  That being said, I have a friend who absolutely...

S is for seitan

Yup.  Picking up where we left off.  :)  For those of you just tuning in, my VeganMoFo theme was to blog A-Z many of the basic ingredients, tips, and tools that make up key parts of a vegan kitchen, and we’re up to S!  S is for seitan, one of the basic vegan...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

“While “sacrifice” suggests a choice where you lose something for another, compassion points to a state of being where everyone wins.” – from a friend’s facebook status I loved the above quote I saw on facebook today, and I love how...

Thankful for… pumpkin ice cream pie

As promised, pumpkin ice cream pie is on today’s menu!  We never had pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving growing up, because we always had this instead (or my grandmother’s pecan pie… YUM).  Not much to introduce this one… I promise it speaks for...

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