Putting it all together

Last Sunday’s comics featured the following gems, within one space of each other.  The joy it brings to find things like this out in the mainstream world….  <3

The Mutts is so simple, so perfect in its simplicity.

I hope you’re enjoying  your lazy Sunday as much as I’m enjoying mine.



Making the vegan connection

The Joy of Kale Donuts!

Today I simply have to share one of the multiple things that brought me so much joy today – finding out that I can start selling my kale donuts!  I was bouncing off the walls for so long I had to go for a long bike ride – another one of the things that brought me joy today.  :)

If you’re interested in ordering, please contact me at abcvegan@gmail.com, or check out my new page with all the details, here.  :)

Joy of good food, yay!!



Kale donuts!  Healthy and filling and delicious!  :)
Yup, they’re really made of kale. :)


“At-one-ment”: the original meaning of the word “atonement”.  It is this thought that guides my spiritual practice today, this Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.  It’s a new direction for me, that I am eagerly embracing.  At-one-ment with the spiritual beliefs that move you, at-one-ment with each other and anyone with whom perhaps some healing may be necessary, at-one-ment with all of the other creatures on this big blue ball of ours.
