Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Swing

After yesterday’s rainy day… must go play outdoors.  I’ve been wanting to post this one for a while – the sheer simple pleasure of the joy of a swing and a beautiful day.  What unexpected pleasures do you find in revisiting childhood games?



The Swing, by Robert Louis Stevenson
Background image courtesy of Creative Commons


Good grief!

Did you know that yesterday was the anniversary of the first Peanuts cartoon ever published?  October 2, 1950 Charles Shultz published his first comic.  I remember devouring books and books of his strips as a child – I had all my dad’s old copies shelved in my room, and would curl up to lose myself in them.  Brings a smile to my face.  :)  So glad to be reminded of all the joys of those old comics, and this one is the perfect followup to yesterday’s post.  :)  Happiness is… a warm puppy.  Yes.  How would you end that sentence? Happiness is…?



Happiness is... a warm puppy
I may have to go re-buy the book