All posts by ESOakley
The hottest app update ever
After yesterday’s post, how could I not share the followup video too? 😀
TLC from YMR
Because… because it’s really impossible to watch this and not smile. And probably laugh. And most importantly, it’s all for an important message. Don’t forget! The app may be the first thing that has worked to remind me.
Follow your compass
This summer I met a man who had a profound impact on my life, and who wrote me in a difficult moment, “Never compromise yourself.” I know that’s cliché, but it’s cliché for a reason, and somehow he hit home, and it’s been my guiding light ever since. Someone else recently randomly decorated my to-go box with the following, and I loved the synchronicity.
The Age of Asparagus
Because it made me laugh. 😀
Rise and Shine
Stayed up too late last night (for good reasons) so I’m dragging AND it’s hump day – no better day to watch this. As the video says “the best motivational video EVER”. It’s hyperbole… but it might just be true. I’d quote it but… you really just need to see the whole thing. Get up. Going. Get at it. And have a wonderful day!!
I fell in love with John Craigie with these lyrics: “an angel with a messed up past is still an angel” – was exactly what I needed to hear at the time. Tonight I’m heading to hear him for a 3rd time – I think the most I’ve gone out for anyone except Rent and Les Miserables.
Have a listen:
Anna Rose (Part IV) from John Craigie on Myspace.
“Quit your job, sell your car
Tell that fool that you live with, you don’t live here anymore
Bring your banjo I’ll teach you how to play
You know its ne——ver too late
You say your life’s been hard, you’ve been abused and mangled
but i tell you an angel with a messed up past is still an angel
All these people just push you aside
you got this chance to leave ‘em all behind
You’ll watch less and sing more, it’ll be easy to quit that stuff when you can’t afford
Nothing but the bare necessities. You won’t be a millionaire but at least you’ll be free”
Things are good
It’s true. The gratitude… makes fear evaporate. Try it. Trust me.