Exciting post today! I have been working with Sunwarrior to showcase plant strong athletes, and to give you the opportunity to win your very own Sunwarrior starter pack! Check out the details at the end of the post for how to win. :)

Acro yoga snowflake. I love this photo!! This looks pretty and we're smiling, but it's actually SO hard and a little painful. :D

I love this photo!! Doesn’t Charles look bad-ass?! Called “half snowflake”, it’s pretty & we’re smiling, but it’s really SO hard & a bit painful. :D
And it’s fun to be playing at being Sunwarrior models. :) :)

As you travel down the road of – or even just towards – being vegan, the question “but how do you get your protein?” becomes one you hear every day. I love being the living embodiment of the fact that the question is unnecessary, and of how clear it is that a plant-based diet can give you everything you need. As an acro yogi, rock climber, and pole dancer, I have muscles entirely built *after* I went vegan, and I recruited some of my veg acrobat friends to show you guys the strength in our practice – no meat necessary. :)

Acro yoga L-sit - Why L sit in the gym when we can just do it on each other??

Why L-sit on the ground when we can do it on each other??

The answer to where we get our protein is that eating a whole foods, plant-based diet will more than fulfill an average person’s daily needs, with beans, whole grains, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, etc. (More details in my Protein Primer!) However, strength training athletes looking to build muscle might want a little extra boost, just like non-veg athletes, so this is where we look to vegan protein powders to help us out.

Girl power!! #ladybase action. We have to be strong as flyers, but basing requires even more muscle. :)

Girl power!! #ladybase action, flying / basing “star”. We have to be strong as flyers, but basing requires even more muscle. :)

One of my regular acro partners (also veg but unfortunately not able to be pictured) practically lives on Sunwarrior, so when I had the opportunity to write this post, it was a no brainer! As Charles (holding me up below) says, “It is refreshing to have such quality plant based nutrition. In a market dominated with whey, SunWarrior has my full support.” And “18 grams of protein!! Yea baby!” :D I would add that my favorite part is that this is accomplished with whole foods – no isolates of any kind included in their ingredients.

Flying high in "high bird". Strong and solid. :)

Flying high in “high bird”. Strong and solid. :)

Lindsey (#ladybase below) says that “Sunwarrior products make great fuel for acro yoga!” and adds that “It’s the best tasting protein powder I’ve tried. And I’ve tried a bunch.” :D We all remarked on the lack of chalkiness – blends up easily to be totally smooth and refreshing, without even needing the blender ball.

Double rainbow! ...wait no, double "whale". :D

Double rainbow! …wait no… double “whale”. :D
#ladybase action AND #whenbasesfly, all in one picture. :)

The other great thing about Sunwarrior is the price. Ari (holding Lindsey up, below) says, “I really enjoy having a vegan option at most grocery stores that is both affordable and more delicious than the other brands I’ve tried.”

Look how happy Ari looks basing "high throne"! The joy we feel in our successes and our community - this is why I love acro.

Look how happy Ari looks basing “high throne”! The joy we feel in our successes and our community – this is why I love acro.

Needless to say we got a workout doing this photo shoot, and because they had generously provided us all with the same sample packs you have the chance to win, we all went home and fueled (and rehydrated!) with Sunwarrior after. :D

"Double side star" - happy and content. :)

“Double side star” – happy and content. :)

Soooo…how can you win?! :D Oh, and *what* exactly are you winning?? A Sunwarrior starter pack consisting of a bright blue blender bottle (my new favorite!), and:

  • Warrior Blend Protein (Chocolate and Vanilla)
  • Classic Protein (Vanilla)
  • Classic Plus Protein (Chocolate and Vanilla)
  • Supergreens (Natural and Peppermint)
  • Liquid Light
  • Vitamin Mineral Rush

To win, go check out Sunwarrior here, and then return here and comment with both what current product you’d most like to try (and maybe buy some while you’re there! :D ), as well as what flavor you’d love to see added!  Share on facebook, like my facebook page and/or subscribe to my mailing list for additional entries, and leave a separate comment for each telling me that you did so. Winner will be picked randomly from the comments. U.S. entrants only please. Contest closes 11:59PM EST, Thursday, October 8th. Good luck!!

And now, more pics, because they’re too awesome not to share. :) All pics by the amazing Nadya Serova. Please thank her for me!!

"Warrior", for Sunwarrior :)

“Warrior”, for Sunwarrior. Because duh. :)

Yes, that would be the boys holding us standing IN THEIR HANDS. :D ("Foot-to-hand")

Yes, that would be the boys holding us standing IN THEIR HANDS. :D

#whenbasesfly - "flag"

#whenbasesfly – “flag”

Charles being awesome in a beautiful forearm stand...

Charles being awesome in a beautiful forearm stand…

...and Lindsey likewise, looking beautiful in titibasana. :)

…and Lindsey likewise, looking beautiful in titibasana. :)

Charles shows us the importance of spotting, while Lindsey flies standing foot-to-hand #flyerslivesmatter

Charles shows us the importance of spotting, while Lindsey flies standing foot-to-hand

Ahhhh... pretty. Breathe. Enjoy. :) ("Back bird")

Ahhhh… pretty. Breathe. Enjoy. :)
(“Back bird”)

Yaaay! The end!! :D ("Couch")

Yaaay! The end!! :D
(“Couch”, with Charles in shoulder stand)

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