In doing a low-carb vegan experiment for the past 6 weeks, I’ve finally explored the world of the raw movement, and I really should have done so earlier! My taste buds have changed enormously for the better (I woke up my first day in NYC craving the green juice down the street from my host instead of the coffee breakfast “milkshake” down the other…), and it will be something to incorporate even after this experiment is over. I encourage you to give it a shot as well.

Sadly slightly blurry image of the raw turnip ravioli at Quintessence in NYC – best raw restaurant I’ve been to so far, hands down!
So what is raw? Aside from the obvious. :) The raw food food movement is based on the idea that not only are *unprocessed* foods better for you, but uncooked foods are as well. Raw foodists believe that cooking foods above ~118 degrees leaches critical enzymes and vitamins out of foods. Scientific studies on the raw food diet are still scarce, but there does seem to be some evidence of validity for the idea that you get more nutrients, and therefore more disease fighting properties, by eating your fruits and veggies raw. One study “that reviewed findings of about 50 medical studies on the raw versus cooked debate showed that eating raw vegetables helps reduce the risk of oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, esophageal, and gastric cancers.”
It is unlikely that I will go high raw (eating 70%+ of your foods raw), but I have experienced the benefits of incorporating so many more vegetables into my diet this past month and a half, and intend to continue. I’m eating less and have way more energy at the same time. I crave the colorful foods that are good for me, and am becoming less of a carb addict. Nutrients are just so much more addicting in the end, once you retrain your body what it’s been missing. Green smoothies all day long? Yes please. :)
Some resources so you can explore further:
1. Kristen’s Raw website (chef and former bodybuilder): link here for her detailed writeup of the benefits of eating raw
2. Chef Amber Shea‘s book Practically Raw: Amber breaks down the basics and provides easy recipes for someone just getting started – her book may have saved my life as I began this experiment and didn’t know what I was going to eat! :)
3. High Vibe raw grocery store: I had the pleasure of visiting this store over the weekend in NYC, and spent… well, way too much. ;) This is when I knew my taste buds really have changed – I wanted everything in this store, and that would not have been the case 2 months ago. It’s wonderful – I can *feel* myself craving the nutrients in raw foods instead of their processed Standard American Diet counterparts. Anyways, High Vibe – the owners are so nice and friendly and helpful, and they ship anywhere, so they are a great resource for raw ingredients or snacks that may otherwise be hard to find.
1. Kale chips: You’ve seen me link to these before, but I just love them so much!
2. Raw pecan sandies: Hurricane Sandy inspired raw cookie recipe that I’m still craving more of, after finishing the batch over a week ago.
3. Mushroom burgers: Haven’t tried this one yet, but they look delicious!
I’m still new at this, so what other resources would you recommend? Recipes? I’d love to hear and keep learning and experimenting!
Aw, thank you Esther – I’m so happy to hear you’ve been using and enjoying the recipes from Practically Raw!
Thanks for creating them! :)