…or nooch, as the cool kids call it, so now you can be a cool kid too! :) Nutritional yeast is an indispensable part of a vegan pantry. I do have to say that I remember when I first started cooking with it – the flavor takes a little while to get used to. I thought everyone was crazy when they dove into the bowl of nooch at Vida Vegan Con – but now I wish I had one of those bowls to pour onto everything, every day. In fact, I might just be guilty of sneaking it into… pretty much everything these days.

Nooch at Vida Vegan!
Photo courtesy of the VVC photostream, original here.
So why? Why pour over top of everything, mix it into all sauces, and devour as much as possible?
First, it’s delicious. I feel crazy saying that since it is an acquired taste, but once you learn to love it – you really learn to love it. It adds a richness, a saltiness, and most importantly, a *creaminess* to anything and everything. You’ll find that most recipes replicating cheese based mixtures and sauces will call for nutritional yeast in varying quantities.
Second, it’s super good for you. Nooch is basically a supplement, in edible tasty form. Perhaps most importantly, it can provide your daily need for Vitamin B12, which is the one supplement all vegans (and probably everyone really) need to take. Not all nutritional yeast is created equal however, so make sure you get a variety that includes B12, like Red Star. In just 1 1/2 tablespoons it provides 130% of your daily recommended allowance of B12 – as well as 670% thiamin, 590% riboflavin, 480% B6, 290% niacin, 250% folate, and 20% zinc. The same amount contains 4g of fiber and 8g of protein.
See? Super awesomely delicious and super great for you. :)
1. If you miss cheesy crackers like Cheez-Its, these might just do the trick. They’re so delicious and reminiscent of that nostalgic cheezy taste.
2. I highly recommend adding a little nooch to your pesto. Most pesto has parmesan cheese, so the nooch adds that little something extra instead.
3. These EZ Cheezy Peazy Pasta Balls were one of the first recipes that made me start falling in love with nooch. And look at all those wonderful peas you get too! Highly recommend using the optional saffron… so yum. :)
4. Lastly, I haven’t tried this one yet, but this Melty Pizza Hummus looks amazing.
Nooch is something I’ve always liked, but it’s not something I’ve used regularly until recently. The last few months I’ve been finding myself using it several times a week, sneaking it into almost everything, like you said. Did you know that most cats love it, too? Our cat goes crazy any time she sees us pull it out of the pantry :)
Good to keep in mind if I ever get a cat. :)